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Viva - Take Action Now - Free Java Now Campaign

Yes, You Can Make A Difference - Join the Free World

Join the "Free Java Now" campaign and help to put pressure on Sun to open-source the Java core. Don't sit and wait until you're locked in and Sun starts charging for Java and ends the "first shot is free" era. Prepare yourself for a brighter tomorrow today and take action now and help secure the future of Java as an open royality-free standard.

Boycott Swing

Boycott Sun's closed-source Swing UI toolkit and use open-source UI toolkits instead. Better choices for a brighter tomorrow:

Boycott NetBeans

Boycott Sun's NetBeans IDE (build on purpose on the closed-source Swing UI toolkit) and use IDEs build on open-source UI toolkits instead. Better choices for a brighter tomorrow:

Boycott Web Start

Boycott Sun's closed-source Web Start app launcher and use open-source app launchers instead. Better choices for a brighter tomorrow:

Boycott the Java Cartel Process (JCP)

Boycott Sun's gigantic Java Cartel Process (TM) ponzy scheme that tries to fool the world that Java is open when it's not; use open "standard" forums and bodies instead. Better choices for a brighter tomorrow:

Boycott Java Server Faces (JSF)

Boycott upcoming Sun Java API "standards" such as Java Server Faces (JSF) designed behind closed-doors through the Java Cartel Process (TM) leading to Just Crappy Patches (TM) that lock you into bloatware such as the upcoming Sun Java Creator IDE. Use de-facto industry "standards" instead that have proven themselves in the real-world and use open "standard" forums and bodies to avoid vendor lock-in. Better choices for a brighter tomorrow:

Boycott Java.Net

Boycott Sun's Java Indoctrination "Community" site that tries to cover up the closed-source Java core with a bunch of open-source projects that pledge to use 10000 % pure Java and Sun APIs only. Use open-source project hosting sites with an open mind instead. Better choices for a brighter tomorrow:

Embrace Scripting Languages for Java

Sun's 10000 % pure Java doctrine treats dynamic scripting languages such as Python that let you do more with less (lines of code) as inferior bastards to Sun's one and only true love, the Java hard-core language. Don't let Sun fool you. No language can do it all and embrace scripting languages such as Python or Groovy that complement hard-core programming languages such as Java.

Embrace next-gen XML Markup Languages for rich UIs

Sun fights next-gen XML markup languages such as XUL, SVG and others because the offer a better alternative for rich UIs than the closed-source Swing API or Java 2D API or Java 3D API. Don't get locked-in and embrace next-gen XML markup languages that offer the best of both worlds (that is, rich functionality without getting locked into an API).

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